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camera inspector
Display CameraDisplay or hide the camera. Turning off all cameras will also disable the camera connection. Continuity camera will also appear in your list of devices if connected.
DeviceSelect the camera device to use.
FrameNormal, cut out, background blur. Mirror camera.
CropCrop the camera feed. Delete the crop.
ScaleScale the camera feed.
OpacityCamera transparency.
MaskMask the camera feed with 5 different shapes. Circle and rounded rectangle provide further customization options.
PositionSnap to position or center.
RotationRotation angle in degrees around the bottom left of the element.


  • Is it possible to share my virtual camera stream without an actual camera?

    Absolutely. You can share a scene from Camera Graph even if it doesn’t include a camera element.


NameKeyboard Controls
Add Camera⌘⇧+C
Toggle Selected Camera Display⌘+0
Nudge Small⌘+←→↑↓
Nudge Medium⌘⌥+←→↑↓
Snap Element⇧⌥+←→↑↓↩
Exit Crop⌘⌥+return